Millburn House, Ion Cyclotron Laboratory, University of Warwick
Millburn House, Ion Cyclotron Laboratory, University of Warwick
Millburn House, Ion Cyclotron Laboratory, University of Warwick
Millburn House, Ion Cyclotron Laboratory, University of Warwick

ion cyclotron resonance laboratory - university of warwick

As partner at adp Nick lead the fifth phase of redevelopment at Millburn House that had started with the master plan for the building Nick had looked at whilst an associate.  As an extension to the Physics and Chemistry facilities of phase 2, the building housed a single dedicated laboratory and had associated write up and prep areas.  Like the second phase of development this building design had to factor in hazards in the form of strong magnetic fields, exposed lasers, rapid Helium purging and Nitrogen leaks from the research equipment.  The laboratory is expressed as a blue brick volume with the link block to the existing building in  red brick matching the existing building.

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All photographs taken by Nick.